Most people know me as a blogger however, few of them know me as a "free spirit/free thinker. " Some thoughts are wild and funny, a little bit like me, when I think about it. They also include 'first times' because, let's be honest... Who doesn't want to know how my first time trying something went down? You're now part of my bubble. A bubble filled with interesting tales straight out of my imagination and my thoughts on some social issues and I can't wait to share this part of myself with you guys.

The challenge

Owen needed a blog page design that could communicate his art of work to his clients and readers. The client also required good SEO metrics and a user-friendly and consistent UI that would be easy to manoeuvre and understand and an overall great UI design

The solution

We set up a dynamic blog page that layout the client's portfolio and created an easily navigatable project using the different blog categories that the client had. We also added SEO and optimized the project to give the client the best market reach for his art work

Tools used


The result

By focusing on aesthetic factors like layout, user interface, and other visual elements, we were able to make a visually appealing project that represented the organization's voice and integrated in all required architectural features such as SEO, mobile responsiveness, and overall performance, we were able to create an online presence for our client and improve their brand awareness in their industry.


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